

  • A New Chapter in The Resident Evil Storyline This eighth major instalment in the flagship Resident Evil series continues the story from the critically acclaimed Resident Evil 7 biohazard. With the return of popular features and introduction of new elements, survival horror has never been so intense.
  • Latest Console Technology RE engine paired with new technologies available via PlayStation 5 and Xbox series X|S delivers hyper detailed graphics, advanced immersive audio and little to no load times, bringing the shadowy village and its evocative residents to life in first person perspective.
  • Popular Resident Evil Features Fans might recognize new features in Resident Evil Village that are nods to previous Resident Evil games including a merchant dubbed “The Duke” who allows players to purchase and sell items, buy recipes for crafting consumables, and customize weapons.
  • Familiar Faces and New Foes Resident Evil series Chris Redfield returns under a shroud of seemingly sinister motives. Ethan will also encounter a host of new adversaries inhabiting the enigmatic village, all with their own distinctive ways of attacking.
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Experience survival horror like never before in Resident Evil village, the eighth major instalment in the genre-defining Resident Evil franchise. Set a few years after the horrifying events in the critically acclaimed Resident Evil 7 biohazard, the all-new storyline brings Ethan Winters to a remote snow-capped village filled with a diverse cast of terrifying enemies. After a devastating encounter with Resident Evil series hero Chris Redfield, Ethan pursues him in search of answers but finds himself in an entirely new nightmare.

Modern console technology paired with Capcom proprietary RE engine deliver a visceral experience combining pulse-pounding action with signature survival horror gameplay synonymous with the Resident Evil series. Harnessing the newest console technology, Resident Evil village delivers stunning graphics and advanced technology on PlayStation 5 and Xbox series x|s. New gameplay features harken back to fan-favourite elements from previous Resident Evil games while new mechanics offer more depth to the action during combat.


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