

  • Run and gun or sneak and hack through Skynet’s defences!
  • Interact with a motley group of survivors and change their fates!
  • Get under the skin of the iconic T-800 series Infiltrator and strike out against Resistance forces with the new INFILTRATOR MODE.
  • Improved framerates, graphical fidelity, faster load times, and the new hardware features of the DualSense controller
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Experience the events leading up to the decisive, final battle for the fate of mankind in the war against the machines. Terminator: Resistance is a first-person shooter, set during the ‘Future War’ scenario that was only glimpsed at in the iconic films, ‘The Terminator’ and ‘T2: Judgment Day’. Plus, enjoy a variety of enhancements for the PlayStation5, including improved framerates and graphical fidelity, faster load times, and the new hardware features of the DualSense controller.


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